Why does it feel like bigger builds are hating on smaller bu

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iAmRenewed, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. It's a war game what do you expect
  2. Kaw is creating war tournaments for all clans/players to participate in if they chose. They are not being left out.

    Also if kaw didn't set some limit then all of kaws players would be in some form of the asw which would be a huge nightmare for the devs to handle
  3. These are already planned to be implemented soon
  4. I don't really think "big players" have an issue with small players learning to war. The issue is that small kingdoms don't want to learn to be effective they want to just haphazardly dump their troops and not learn strategy.

    I've tried in vein to help smaller players many times to learn the part of this game that will keep them enjoying it but they just have this idea that being the biggest is being the best. I guess in large part it's because people look up to overall lb players and not the players that deserve it like osw war vets.

    @Op, name 5 osw vets that have helped shape this game.

    Now name 5 of the top 50 leader board players... GO!
  5. In a tiered game, anybody should get the same opportunity at different levels.
  6. @Funky

    You're right for the most part but there are still many players who do actually want to learn strategy, who actually want to war, and all that stuff.

    Most of my time playing KaW (4 years with 1 year break between) I had a trainee whom I would teach. Obviously out of helping hundreds of players from the 20k ally list (brand spanking new players) I probably only had 30 trainees.
  7. But the point is, they're still there. Not every "noob" is a perma-noob
  8. @runnybunny, definitly true, I'm sure a lot of them would love to learn how to actually war and etc. instead of being put down when they are trying. And I guess I'm one of the few that has low stats yet knows how to war, then again I've also been playing for a while
  9. @Runny,
    I agree whole heartedly but there needs to be some real thought put into something like this. As we've seen recently the devs are more than happy to put their money where their mouth is to to help encourage better things. I think if there were a handful of "vets" that were willing to help be the leaders of this kind of Jr-asw concept it could really make for a great time but and this is a big but you'd have to start training from the very beginning of war play.

    And unfortunately many small players don't care about those aspects of game play. To them it's ok I'll do this one time a year I'm just going to hit the smallest and play the no strategy game.

    It would be best served if experienced players created training clans to teach the fundamentals of war and go from there I feel. Though, there is a obvious issue with that as well, that being clan loyalty on both sides of the issue. Nobody wants to teach 50 or more people to war and invest tons of time for players that will just leave.
  10. It takes a lot of invested time to create a successful clan and I can't see many people wanting to leave their home clans for an extended period of time to make it happen.

    In the short term it's taxing on older players to say the least but in the long term it could improve the game ten fold.

    I'd really like to see more small players wanting to actually take an interest in learning more than just social time and repeat button. Hell from what I've seen with loads of lcbc t4 and hlbc t5 most aren't even potted...
  11. @op- there was a junior all star war last year. It tanked horribly. Perhaps these more experienced and older players are just taking a cue from the phrase "hindsight is 20/20" and realize that we learn history so that we do not repeat the same mistakes.

    So, before you complain without knowledge of past history or understanding of why- perhaps you should take the time to ASK rather than whine and accuse.
  12. I'd rather see the smaller kingdoms warring than EBing. Let the noobs fight. Most in the asw weren't worthy of being there and were chose by size which has nothing to do with war prowess or skill. They live off the repeat button
  13. I agree cynder the number of big players that have almost 0 sdp or dp is atrocious. Even more sad is they can't even post what they've done who they've hit 11/17/9 is a mystery just like Inc 1/1/ is just gibberish to them.
  14. I really don't care that much what other ppl do though. It's not nice that ill never get lb again just for the fact that I don't spend money or do much eb, but I found myself a cool clan where I can war all I want and the clan does too so it's all good.
  15. #2 in the clan we're warring has no pots. A bunch of others have 9 but all of a sudden have 0 30 min later  it's ******* pathetic. Seriously quit pissing and moaning about noobs getting their own war. One day you are all whining how there's not enough war and the next you all are wanting to stop one. Silly hive mind... Here's an idea - Gtho forums and be the change you want to see instead of sitting around scapegoating the easiest target.
  16. I'm I'm a bigger build and I'm gonna kill all you smaller builds and make you reset
  17. ^ That's exactly how I feel Cynder. Let em **** each other up for awhile and weed out the 's.
  18. I actually agree strongly with tigress. This goes mainly to the JASW, everyone keeps saying its a great way for smaller players to learn to war. If its for people to learn how to war then its really not an ALLSTAR war now is it?

    All-star means best of the best, so people in it should know how to war, not need to learn how to war.

    Plus the JASW was so disorganized which is why it kinda went down hill.
  19. You may always recreate something like an unofficial ASW for the smaller builds but I wouldn't support Devs actually doing something about it. It's called an All Star War for a reason, and there is a requirement of being a certain rank throughout kaw. It's exclusive to the minimum rank and higher and is not an everyday thing.

    Honestly, something like an ASW should give you more of an incentive to play more, build higher, be bad ass, and participate in this kind of thing. More power to you if you can start something like this for the smaller builds or reach a high enough rank for the ASW, till then, happy kawing 
  20. I'm unranked and beat the **** out of hlbc. But because they noobed up they are all stars? Lolz sorry there was only one true all star war and that was the first.