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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. IME, is actually a way to refer to yourself twice in rapid fire mode, notice the space missing between I and ME. or the other definition: slang for IME gonna gets me some grub bub !
  2. Hey guys, this is probably old news and really not that interesting but what happened to the clan Jeepers? I went inactive for a couple months; when I left they were #1 and since I've come back I haven't seen them. Thanks for reading 
  3. They may have disbanded, or simply merged. Another option, is that they changed their clan name.
  4. How can they change their clan name? Just ask the devs?
  5. They could make a new clan and move their...
  6. Their members^^
  7. Can some one list a list of all the active mods
  8. Colonial
  9. @senorita: yea that was the intention of my initial post regarding the swords, not sure why I was thinking in terms of ally stats but that was what I was trying to get across is that diamond is better up until you reach 55mil troop strength or 23m spy strength
  10. Why do some clan owners think they own you too? I have owned 2 clans and gave them away. I know how much work there is to own one. I was in a few clans and helped out some in E.Bs. I feel that a clans helps you as much as you help them. Clan hopping has become a bad word. Not everyone gets along. Due to Power trips and being told what to do isnt my why. Is it wrong to look for more? Still looking for the one.
  11. It's like living in someone's house: you help around and do chores, but you also respect their rules as it's their house.
  12. There's nothing wrong with clan hopping. I do it a lot but its nice to have a home that you can always go back too.

    There are plenty of clan owners that don't think they own you. They respect their members. NEMESIS is one for sure. You've just been looking at the wrong place.
  13. As an attack build should i have just colonies or a mix of hatcheries and colonies?
  14. How do you do the overlapping emoji?
  15. @black, it depends on what you want your build to be. If you want it to be even, defense heavy, or attack heavy.

    @chief, there is an app that you can download, (not sure what's it's called) but you copy this line thing, looks like this ___, and type emoji by it. The they will overlap.
  16. What is the best clan for me
  17. I don't know, there are tons of clans. Find a clan that fits your needs and play style.