Again, multiple Devs use that account to convey PMs. A nice, well thought out Email would have cleared up any misunderstanding. But nope, people decided to smash their face on a keyboard and decided to rage.
I swear, people read posts and just forget what was said. Read some of my few recent posts, Orb. A mere mix up and how harsh or lenient some of the Devs can be. My name was Thought to have broken the ToU, a different DEV came in and said "We've had complaints before but his name is okay". Bam old name back. Sometimes it's just a little misunderstanding.
That's outrageous that OSW against red-cella forum was shelved. There hav definitely been OSW forums before that were allowed that had far worse with smack talk. I.e morgana thread against ig, most pure evil forums, Alison forums, any kotfe thread, Flint vs decimation, Sun alliance war, Etc. They were all fun reads. Why would a war forum be removed in a war game. Obvious favouritism towards LB
No, you ******* don't you ignoramus. You're speculating and looking like a jackass while doing it. Besides, the Devs know I dislike them. Tell them every so often. I defend common sense, not teens/adults alike raging over a video game screaming "This isn't fair!!! Waaaaaaa!".
@Sean Because someone complained I assumed. Both sides were trash talking on those threads. This is one sided trash talking and if Red/Cella feels it's harassment and 1 sided, then they have a right to complain.
Igcb if u don't like this forum leave, oh wait why would u leave you want everyone to hear your opinions as well.
I'm still does pal automatically put -hv- on top of kaw? U touch the screen and pal overlays it? That's bizarre and why does a 3rd party app have access to ur kaw handle and fonts?
I believe this is noob rage! There's been so many threads about this already. Just email the devs with your complaints and stop seeking attention OP. ๎
Not seeking attention ๎ and the noob rage I see is the guys posting crying about this thread๎ don't like it don't read it simple.
So what are you guys raging this osw for? I'm a little confused because you have all say that you started it for many reasons