Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. We're supposed to know that how?
  2. I have no clue Alex
  3. @You by being in that clan maybe ? Or perhaps you've seen people looking for war.
  4. I'm in a clan ranked near 1,000 but it was just made Saturday. Doubt we would war you but you could ask owner.
  5. Can you turn off being notified whenever your clanmates join an eb?
  6. Thank you for not answering my question. I tested and found out myself. Now I'll be making way more profit. All by myself
    Again , thank you
  7. What are all the different types of war?and what happens in them
  8. Are There any wall clans that I would have a chance of joining. I have asked in wc countless times and all I get is a wall full of haunt ads.
  9. What is the thread called that shows you how to transfer gold from one account to another?
  10. Plz answer question
  11. Osw and SW are only types. System war has rules and rewards and uses the system the devs made. Osw is just all out brawl. Relentless attacking with no rules/limits/system.
  12. I don't think u can no one helpful is on
  13. Volley transferring? Not sure what its called. You could try searching on pc or going thru strategy.
  14. Wall clans? What does that mean?
  15. War***** not wall
  16. Ok, we'll there are tons. The big ones are iG, KotFE, CR, HoG, ISS, AAH, ZAFT, Osiris, Yafi and there are many more.
  17. Is WC frozen for anyone else?