I feel like I am doing something wrong! advice needed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Tax_Collector, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Hello fellow kaw players. So I have a small problem and maybe cause I'm still fairly new to this game (under 150 days) but I feel like I'm building my hansel alt wrong. My alt (angelxo) has been growing so slowly. I have been stuck at where I am at for a while and I play pretty frequently. I never made a hansel before so maybe I am doing something wrong. I do b2b haunts with my clan. I am slowly converting lvl4 guilds to SOS on lowlands. Do hansels naturally take a long time to grow? If anyone has any friendly advise please post here or on my wall this account or angelxo. I really want a hansel but the lack of growing makes me want to reset and start over as attack. Anyways all advice is welcomed. Thanks in advance and have a great day .
  2. You don't have any allies?
  3. You do understand converting an entire LL to lvl 3 is around 400 bil?
  4. Stick with guilds to 35th land, converting sos too soon is pointless and slow. At 35th (maybe even 37th) start swapping out the guilds for sos.
  5. Ok thanks and I don't have any allies cause I sold my one because I was going to convert but I figured I would ask here before doing anythig drastic.
  6. Try ambush every now and then it may not do anything but that's what I did when I had a low stat Hansel and it was growing really well
  7. As said before it does cost a lot
  8. I got my alt the same stats your alt has in 2 weeks he still has 125b in allies to sell.
  9. Thanks so much and yea I was just curious cause I reset three times on this account and broke 2 million attack way faster than my hansel is growing and I had for roughly the same amount of time.
  10. Plunder also drops until you have a 2:3 sos:guild ratio.
  11. You should never sell allies to upgrade as an ally if it takes you under max plunder. Mp is where a Hansel gets most of their money, so be sure to stay at mp. And converting LL to lvl 3 SOS is going to take a while...
  12. Hmm ok so I guess I will stick up on some allies again and then start buying lands until 35 and slowly convert to SOS
  13.  Guilds for hansel growth all the way, then convert Sos at 35th (some say 37th) land. finish conversion of LL and think about putting T5 in HL. Suggest converting new lands (after 35th) to T5 first till last land, then go back and convert remaining HL guilds to T5. You will need the guilds for plunder. Good luck.
  14. Ok thanks so much everyone for the good advice.
  15. Hmm, if you do it right, you can actually do it quickly.
    To convert my low-lands to SoS (couple more to go), it's only taken me 20-30 days. Though if you want to do it quickly, you have to give up everything, and just basically do B2B haunts... Which is a pretty boring process.

    Also, like people have said, never sell your ally if it puts you under max plunder, it just causes slower growth.