Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. :lol: good one You
  2. Dakota's lack of intellect scares me...

    As for a legitimate question, anyone know roughly how much you have to have in allies to be on the ally LB?

  3. 200 bil will get you on there
  4. Wow that's all...?
  5. Yeah, it's not too tough ;)
  6. I rate my intelligence at 3.7/10 thank you very much
  7. More like 1....
  8. Who participated in the first NOTABLE OSW?(by notable I mean more than 2 tiny clans)
  9. Is there a max plunder calculator out there?
  10. @rhino, I don't believe so
  11. what happened to miss melons guide?
  12. i mean her question thread
  13. This is her question thread but ownership has been given back to dilly bar, the origin question thread owner.
  14. @deco, the question thread was originally made by dilly, but it was locked when he left the game. But when he returned, (he never actually left) the thread was brought back by moose and replaces missmelon's.
  15. I upgraded my castle to level 3 today but did not see a raise in plunder. What benefit comes with a level 3 castle? Thanks.
  16. U unlock the Mage, allowing u to enchant equipment with aqua/inferno
  17. It gives a stat boost too.
  18. When do you get 26 speakers
  19. You can buy extra speakers at the marketplace for 1 nob apiece.