Congrats to "TRUE" ASW Warriors

Discussion in 'Wars' started by No_0B, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. oops, made a fine mess of that one
  2. Enjoyed this one 
  3. Brilliant!!!! 
  4. /Best Of. well deserved.

    Spent the entire night getting the perps ready for war.
    I came off a nightshift to start the war at 9am, my sleep time. I used the count down timer from iTouch, set it for 10mins.
    Unloaded troops into Quests. Stole from CC listings on opponent teams. Then slept for 10-min, etc.
    War ended. Had some time with mum n sister. Then went to "sleep" or war. Until 7am. Slept n woke up in time for evening war. Lol

    Plan your poor family round your war.
  5. Nice funny one lol
  6. You forgot to say spend your check on nobs and crystals.
  7. ASW it's like an olympic sport. 3 incredible war in a row 
  8. This should be stickied for future ASWs....

  9. No, this needs a Best Of! Lol.
  10. Awesome post! LMAO!
  11. Remember to inform the KaWps not to look for you if you are reported missing!
  12. That's some damn funny stuff. Nice one Op :lol:
  13. Learned so much
    Team Doom
    2012 ASW Champs
  14. Very helpful!
    2012 ASW champions
  15. Lol wish the noobs read this before the war but hey what can you do. Good post, nicely done. Cya in asw4 
  16. well done. Bravo. That was the funniest ASW forum yet
  17. I bow to you intellect you spent time and energy on this post I'm not worthy 