I wanna write a new storyyyyyyyyyyyy *whiny* but I have writers bloooooooocckk....and theres something right there, I can feel it, but it's just out of reach... Also, today after I got dresses for school (Jeggings, tank top and a sweater with no shoulders) I come out of my room and my dad takes one look at me and says "You look like a slut. Go change." Thanks dad.
Well, I won't disagree with your father. Jeggings are... Whatever the hell they are, plain jeans are far better. Jeggings are like trying to paint a car with yellow paint and then claiming it's gold. It just doesn't work. It also looks, as your dad says, like a ****. I should know, I've been seeing it way too much lately.
But yeah. 'High school fashion' is another phrase for 'expose as much skin as possible and wear tight clothing.'
Bremen is right. There are plenty of people that I've seen that either have some kind of skin disorder or were just plain stupid enough to suntan in an oven or something, leaving then spotted. Others are just a horrible shade of brown/white, where it's clear it's not real.
School is just one huge petri dish of sickness if maybe 10 people get sick then I get sick too and it sucks since my birthday is soon and I'll probably be sick in my birthday
Meh, had a brutal cold for the past few days. I won't be sick on my birthday because it's in 8 months XD SFF? (Sickly Friends Forever) :lol:
Well, you don't have a right to be talking, Mr. Vampire. (I'm assuming amber bit you. And if not, I did o.o)