Upcoming KAW iOS Update - Bug Fixes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Just an update on the bugs that have been affecting our latest KAW Release for iOS devices. We have found made a bunch of fixes and will be submitting our application to Apple shortly. Once they approve it (around 1 to 2 weeks), it will be available for download.

    A list of issues we have fixed:

    * Wall not loading - To temporarily fix this, tap on the "Friends" tab and then tap back on the "Wall" tab.
    * Clan Announcements crashes
    * Player Profile crashes
    * Rival Clan crashes
    * Silence related crashes
    * Forum font size - the change to a smaller font size was unintended. It was been reverted back to the old size
    * Scouting Report - this will now show up properly
    * "Define" bug - you will no longer see the "define" popup when selecting certain text in the game

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We wanted to update everyone with what we are working on so that you all know what's coming.

    If you are encountering any other issues, feel free to either use our feedback tool in game, or post a reply to this thread.

    Thanks once again!
  2. Thank you for notifying us !
  3. Good work kaw, now we can update the app without having to deal with bugs! I applaud you devs for listening to the community this time 
  4. How about changing eb notices in the newsfeeds back to "your friend joined the epic battle"? I'm not really a fan of the "Group boss notice" and "your friend is fighting boss" in my newsfeed. The latter isn't even proper grammar.
  5. Sounds great. Thanks for caring 
  6. Also crashes sometimes when clicking on the notification to view join requests or people joining or leaving clan. But it might be profile related.
  7. Yes, we did fix this as well!
  8. Now, to droid. :)
  9. lol..what does it matter if the news feed says "boss" or "Epic Battle"?
    How do people possibly complain about something like that?
  10. what about updates for android such as being able to see when people are active in an even from the clan members list? also time to new record? it would also be useful if it was possible to select text on the clan page. currently admin is required and u have to enter edit mode. Thanks for listening
  11. my bad even=EB
  12. Nice! I like it! Thanks for being more actively involved with the game! I have all those issues 
  13. why cant regular members c who has joined the clan?
  14. Thank you, devs.

    Panic, I just like my KaW to be consistent. I happen to be a perfectionist so maybe it doesn't bother you as it does me. I just pointed it out and said I'm not a fan. You don't see me ranting about how terrible the devs are for pages and pages.
  15. I have two other ideas 1. To show active and non-active members in other clan not only our clan which sometime is really important 2. To search EBs just type the EB you want and it will show up all the clans doing the EB you want this is so so useful for everyone
  16. Showing actives in other clan would make in actives a strip target. Any way good job kaw
  17. This is a thread about fixing bugs, it's not intended for new ideas.