It's just a story. It isn't associated with PimD in any way, apart from the fact that I post it on there too.
Huh. It's like racism. Just cuz I'm from somewhere else you treat me harshly and tell me I'm unwanted. I won't bother then. There was one person who liked my story, and one is enough, but if you don't want me then I shall leave. I apologize to the person who wanted me to carry on.
If I can run you out you should have seen d_bo :lol: But yes. Generally, KaW is much more... Violent... And much less romance based, which is why most of us dislike stories that PIMD does like. I dislike your story because it hits far too many raw nerves. And don't you dare compare it to racism. I'm telling you this because KaWers are less hormonal (no offense), more violent, and prone to not be as romantic as those at PIMD. Also, we're harsher critics. Get over it.
What they said. Not only is it WTF material, nobody at PiMD takes this as seriously as us, and in all honesty, just about every PiMD story that gets here is one about suicide and depression and other crap. Also, if you're discouraged by this, D_bo would have made you jump off a cliff. Three times.
Well anyways its this fridging amazing play about this guy who.. Well I'll go into detail too quickly but it's just awesomesauce and the movie comes out Christmas Day I'm only staying for about a week or two. I got bored of my everyday life and I don't have much hw this block.
I just got my eyes examined, after the regular 2-year wait. Turns out my vision hasn't changed at all. Quite odd.