Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. So recently my iPod started snorting crack and it's affecting kaw. What should I do?

  2. You still have the pic
  3. That looks like a van gouh
  4. I was just reading through the strategy area of the fourms and I could not come across acurratly updated Allie info, when you drop an Allie how many days must you have the player to get the 60% back and how much dose the % start out at and then increase from day 1 of your hire of the Allie to the day you can get back the max 60%?
  5. That's actually pretty boss.
  6. Emo_kitty. You get 4.5% back if you owned the ally less than 24hrs. This increases (by how much I'm not sure) until it caps at 60% when you've had the ally 15 days.
  7. @emo 15 days for the full 60%, the first day is about 4.5%, but no one has tested the remaining 13 days
  8. tyvm ziphena and I love kaw
  9. i cant login to forums but i put in all my possible passwords and i cant help me i cant log in
  10. You can since your on. If you mean on pc, open your pc account and access forums by clicking the forum button rather than by logging in from the outside.
  11. What EB is best to obtain Aqua and Inferno?
  12. I would say FoD. It's a quicker one, more clans do B2B FoD, and I usually see about 4-5 Aqua/Inferno drops per FoD. I don't think any certain EB gives more drops though :0
  13. yeah i know but when i go to do some thing it keeps telling me to log in and i cant remember my password to my forum
  14. Normal players don't have username/password for forums.
  15. With the new update my KAW has being acting up i get notifications saying i have messages when i dont and when i do get messages the do not show...Also it seems to go alot slower. Any suggestions?
  16. thats with me to i click on my wall and it takes like 1 minute to show my post