*Updated* Latest KAW iOS Update

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Sep 14, 2012.

  1.  right on I'm happy to see these issues being addressed quickly and having the options of switching the popups on n off. That's a great feature and when your in the mood for fast xtaling you can use it to access oracle quickly.
  2. Devs took a page from the U.S Gov't with that Xstal Pop up. Very sneaky you thinking apes ;)
  3. Yay! Thanks KaW
  4. Credit where credit is due, well done devs
  5. I am not impressed with the pop up, it is very annoying, wish I didn't update to be honest
  6. Apart from that, it's good to see the devs listening and responding, thank you
  7. Thank you for fixing this Devs, I think I am going to buy some xtals to celebrate ;)
  8. I say **** kaw_ admin !
  9. Thank you
  10. Thankyou!! 
  11. Thanks devs for listening and acting quickly to resolve the issues that have been addressed :). This shows that you do listen.
    Thanks again.
  12. Thank you, KaW
  13. Thank you for responding to the needs of the community.
  14. Hi kaw_admin your the best :D

    Thanks for listening to the players, devs! (maybe returning to the 1/2 hour regen in GaW? )
  16. Thank you 
  17. Thank you KAW for taking time to listen and respond to your players!
  18. <3
    And i still want dat catnip. :3
  19. well done deves
  20. Thank you Kaw Admin for listening! You've just killed 3 birds with one stone, by helping those who wants the convenience,those who are inconvenienced by it and maintained your class with the setting/toggle option.