If you hit EB the plunder drop is tiny... If you're impatient like me for stats do it one by one, if you're really worried about plunder drop save up for 2/3 of your SoS's to minimize drop. Honestly, I think the increased payout from assassinating outweighs the small drop in atk plunder.
Build t5 on HL first because they may have T5 on Low lands in the winter I don't totally know about converting and such but I just went an fully upgraded one at a time
@ metal - if I were you I would stay an hansel build with guilds. Don't worry if your stats look low. This is my experience: I got an iPod account which is 1 cursed foundry and 36 guilds and a pc account which is 1 forge, 39 SOS and 4 vol and their plunders are very similar. Your best strategy will be use your gold for lands in priority.
Zobi you have to think about stats over plunder because maybe your plunder drops 3M but you make 5M more per steal in rewards with a upgrade
So I'm almost LLBC with 24 CoE, I've got 4 highlands with guilds on them, so should I just explore highlands and build guilds on them? What would be most efficient?
Id go for some more guilds until your lands are around 30b, at which point convert to T5 lvl 1, then keep going until lands exceed 50b, when you should level 2 them, then continue with lands until theyre more than a T5 level 3, where you max all the T5's you have.
Ok so I'm trying out a spy build but should I have a defensively tower or not? I don't have any attack buildings