Possible return of the Plunder War?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Oh sniper, read more carefully then post again sweetie. 

    Belle ya true it'll be effort like always. It might be worth it to do it bloodnutz style - stock up on 100 mil allies. No work for the osf besides stocking 
  2. Lol read more careful? I read the thread and you said you didn't read it all. So I was going off that you didn't read it.
  3. @Katrina - did you ever osf? I'm going to guess by your response that would be a no. You can run an osf by having people buy allies but you lose billions in the process if someone is not managing the spies. What's the point?

    Why go through all the work and waste all that money when you can easily hit the haunting and make plenty of money in the process? Best of all, I never have to worry about my eb being dtw. I'll very happily take my eb's over pwars without a single complaint.
  4. Pwars will never come back

    RIP plus it's a waste of time
  5. LOL

    Best pay you can make without a doubt...

    Open t5 osf that everyone attacks while using their spies on a haunting.

    If you're a clan full of hansel type builds its the only way to go for insane amounts of gold, as long as you're willing to give up eb pots and equipment.
  6. @ belle. Okay to be exact, I feel the new builds will not necessary lead to plunder wars in the old sense, but to increase use of in-clan osfs.

    Why would this happen? The increase of haunting plunder with the t5 is pathetic. While the plunder of a t4 hitting a t5 is great. In short the plunder advantage The ata was trumpeting when ebs first came out is disappearing fast, leading to scenarios where the big clans that house the top 1% of Kaw rely more and more on OSFs.
  7. Hmm considering how much these t5 cost and the power they bring, you don't see much of a plunder boost with them
  8. Bump. Interesting
  9. Lol not going to happen 
  10. @ The Philosopher now you need an accountant. Deduct 40% off the plunder and sore wrist from dropping mist.
    I'm a hypocrite as I did not want pwars to end.
    We do need a better paying epic, the T5 plunder is minimal as compared T3-T4.
  11. Philosopher, you're forgetting the fact that you have to think about the OSF himself, wars now give out mith and less money, so u may be getting a lot of money per hit, but that doesn't mean that the osf will be getting a lot of plunder through it all.
  12. Hopefully not :(
  13. If you make to many threads you might get the ban hammer.

    P.S. Don't feed the trolls!
  14. @OP
    Thank you for the stimulating thread. Ignore the mouth breathers.
  15. I wonder why I'm blocked by the op... o_O
  16. Try PvP. With all those big stats out there you'll make as much as in a pwar 
  17. I think your marketing this idea the wrong way.

    Great idea.
    I like the thought of open OSF's again.

    But call it a pwar, and the super cool OG vet non-nubs will call foul all day.
    In truth, setting up dedicated wars would be pointless. Just have a CA OSF on top of ebs being run. Clan could make a lot of money that way.
  18. Very interesting concept. While people are chasing the T5, dollars will be king. I imagine that an in clan OSF run in concert with Haunting for spy actions could be pretty compelling.

    Kind of ironic that belle thinks the thread worthy of closing. That's probably a good enough litmus to pursue the idea further. 