Since the Devs came out with weekend war tournaments, the only way to get prestige now is to participate in those.
Size doesn't matter, it's the player that's behind the button that does. Noob can stay a noob at any size.
Is there a way to delink an idevice without the idevice? i have an old account linked to a dead and destroyed idevice and i wan't to get the account link =ed to my android.
Email the Devs at or and explain the situation. They should be able to fix it.
After formating my cellphone again I reinstalled kaw create this account and tried to link my fb but I see the message "you can't manually link your account contact support" I did almost 2 days ago No answer yet any tips?
Try emailing again, make sure the address is correct : If you still dont receive an email try walling a mod about it.
Mithril Can we know in advance when mithril will be on sale? I am doing an epic, sporavek's revenge, which requires some. Last time in august i missed the sale because i noticed the day after :-(
Approximately how much gold could someone with <1k stats expect to earn from getting roughly 50 pots in during a haunt? Thanks