
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Surgery, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Slorgg - you sound butthurt 
  2.  the machines are coming by train
  3. Respect and love Kotfe, they rule, up the machine who love to war!


  4. What do you mean the machines lost!
  5. KotFE offered us coffee and hot cocoa and when we woke up we were part of their clan. Must have been something in the cocoa.
  6. That was the roofies and chloroform, my bad 
  7. That explains that awful headache.
  8. Good clan very high caliber and strong dont mess with em unless you got LOTS of backup
  9. Just to clear things up:
    1.We don't come on a train.
    2.We run the train.
  10. 

    Well said! I like that. I've always wanted to be a train conductor. (no sarcasm) 
  11.  you want to conduct my train? 

    Sorry, it was the perfect opportunity an I needed to say it before someone else. Good day.
  12. Lmao! I see what you did there! Very, very clever hehe I didn't think of it wow! 
  13. @ _kaos_

    Lol that's because last time ⊀ot╒☰ beat up ur clan u guys cried for cf in 5 minutes. Yaaawwwwwwn.


  14. And nightmare. Win.
  15. I've always enjoyed my visits to KotFE.
    I have no idea why Allison was talked to in the manner She was. Safe to say Allison has resolved the issue.
    Cheese unfortunately used his brilliant mind to insult every action, comment, thread. He'd just show up out of the Blue and slander anyone he felt. Frankly he's a perm on my battle list.
    I do wish him well at school but wonder how many profs and students he will insult per day.
  16. Lol this is Great. So quick to anger over a single post. I simply said I don't care for you. I don't like nor hate. Now DONOTS!
  17. Cheese is amazing
  18. They're a good clan. They are just protective like other war clans are. Btw, I'm not back for good. I'm just trying to communicate to someone.