my question is if i unfollowed someone by accident how do I refollow them is there anyway to fix it thank you
Do defeated actions have negative effect in eb's, ie if you use an item during items phase but it gets defeated due to regen etc, will it have impact in your final end bonus results? Plz wall me to let me know there's a reply here thanks.
@ little_trouble - if you unfollow someone, the follow button will again be availbe underneath their banner, just click it to follow back that person again.
@ adhDavid - in defeated actions you just lose troops, spies or items beside that there is no penalties to the bonus of the EB.
does BFA apply to raw stats or is it the same format as our bta? if i hire a 200k cs ally does it affect my bta ( i know it doesnt actually change) or add 200k cs to my raw stats? i thought it was my bta allies but on pc it looks like this isnt the case if you look at the stats section on your profile
BFA takes 2% of the stats from a hired ally and puts it onto your stats. In your example of 200k, only 4,000 stats would actually go on to your raw stats.
slayer, by raw stats i mean the bigger ones not the ones in low mills but like 100mill attack for example
100 mil bfa- trillions of worth of allys get you two million raw stats?? Thats awful!!! whats the point in allies???? 2 mil is nothing
It adds onto your raw stats with the 2% of BFA that you receive. Static until you lose the ally. That is then changed into how much you get BTA wise by multiplying the new figure by 2%.
You need to save up for allies to be worth anything to you. Thats why most people wait until HLBC. They have worth when you can afford them.