Well it's seems like big league are to scared to fight and 7wrath7 are more worried about doing there epic...and blubbyblub claims we woke a sleeping giant in his clan
There is no fear here. If there was we wouldn't still be in this. Trash talk all you like, but we are still here. That fact speaks for itself. Enjoy the rest of the war all. Been a pleasure fighting you all. Kudos to you for doing what you think is right. And we will continue doing what we think is right. Happy Kawing
@ Patty you guys have pinned me well mate give me a good run for my money your a good fighter. happy Kawing. Ƙ∏IGHƬΜΔΓΣ ЅΔƁΘƬΔGΣ
I've heard about 'Knightmare' there bout as interesting as watching Paint dry!! Maybe that's why 7-WRATH-7 prefer hitting the EB Also according to my sources 'Knightmare's tactics are as useful as a wet paper bag!! Which maybe true as there own noob member got the clan name wrong!! So i dread to think what mistakes they would make during war Either way hope the war goes well, good look BL and 7-WRATH-7
Now that the childish insults have stopped and the egos have been caged let's get on with the war - respect to all involved
There once was a 7-Wrath clan... And to you, your ass (bum) they would hand... For months you will sweat... Until you reset... So say goodbye to your allies and gold, understand?
@thickflank u say our member got the name wrong, but then u look at ur post and im sorry but good look ??? Think u need to hush those gums abit cupcake and the first part of ur name says it all........
Thickflank: 1. Go get an education. 2. Noon faceless alts don't carry any weight. Post with your main. Willy, I agree with you. There was once such a clan. All I got handed to me so far is a bunch of gold, whenever I catch them snoozing and not deadpanning