I would rather see a reward for pinning someone. I don't see them loosing plunder as a reward for me. Why not actually reward the player by giving them more plunder instead of taking it away from someone else! Otherwise looking forward to it.
Im jewish can u make the wars not on friday night or saturday because its unfair how jews cant participate in wars
Judging from the bonus of reaching 0%, assassinate will be highly used/abused in this set up. Please revise your dtw status in war and reaching of 0%. Pure spies/hansels will be at a great advantages if "losing plunder" is implemented when a player reaches 0%. Eg. A groups of hansels, converted to pure spies, spamming just assassinate throughout the war without earning a single plunder have nothing to lose. They can thus cause enemy to constantly lose plunder while staying at dtw status of till up to 25% just by assassinating. Please think through strategies people at higher tier wars will be implementing. The 0% bonus is a double-edge idea, please think through before implementing. The rest of the ideas are great for system war, just by removing the ability to self pin is already a great improvement for system war. towers will play a huge part in system wars, and with all the new items, bfa is not as crazy as before too. (some players bfa is still outrageous though)
I like the changes... 1 xtal though pfft it might be interesting to see how that plays outactually like this update
The changes sound really really good! Especially the reward for "slaying" opponents Keep the work up Devs!
SUPPORT for the changes... The open dialogue is refreshing... I want to see that will keep going throughout beta testing I also want to see that clan rewards and achievements in war are extended to the individual kingdoms. A few ideas are: 1. New individual achievement badge for war participation (like lvl1= 5 wars, lvl2=10... 20, 50...) 2. War achievement to be part of LeaderBoard 3. Permanent Bonus for each level of war achievement... Something like 2% defense bonus per level 4. Count war participations as a key factor in leaderboard position 5. Factor the individual bonus defense level in calculating clan rank position I want to see who has the best scars and where... I want to know and pay my respects to them
Ok this thread looks dead. Dev's can we have a break down of the first iteration of the new system. (I won't ask for a date, historically it becomes a cluster) but i am keen to see what collectively we have achieved. Thanks in advance.
Haha now certain clans cant rely on game mechanics to win every war haha welcome to the real world :~p u better bring a bigger sword
Not fair punishing a player who was outplayed and zeroed. That's bad enough. Rather, reward the CLAN (additional reward of some sort) who zeroed the most number of players at a war. Else when 2 or more players contribute towards zeroing an opponent at war who gets the reward, the guy with the last hit or the most hit? Great job devs, love every other change.
Maybe I'm missing something but what do you actually get if you win one of these war's? )a % of the total plunder would be good) but I can't see any maybe I'm getting too old for this game lmao :lol:
I'm sure that the OLD war system actually give credit to the number of hits and damage that you did as an individual during a clan war. ie the more actions/damage the greater the plunder you received ! Self pinning was easy in war you just picked the biggest opponent you could find(that was not DTW) and hit them until you where below 25 % you then looked for the most likely highest payout and hit from the grave it made for more active cc and higher clan activity during wars. I can see asimilar strategy being used in these wars too ( Hansel build was difficult to pin but not impossible you just had to scout bomb spies to zero same with pure spies) Most wars will continue to use same strategies, Over whelming force nearly always wins It appears to me that the Dev's are trying to reinvent the wheel :!: That there was nothing wrong with the old system is a fact. The problem arose when plunder wars started we all used this to our benefit. But it hammered the server's caused numinous crashes and something had to be done. We all caused the OLD war system to be suspended we are all looking to find a viable replacement! It appeared to me that the summer wars where a fore runner to a NEW war system you win you get gold simple. No plunder wars No mythril wars Just a war winner takes all. allies where not hired away no one lost billions in gold the winners won; the loser's got the respect they deserved