The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  2. Has anyone done any research on south america ?
  3. Man, it's been forever since I've been in the Café.

    Sorry, I know nothing about south America other than it's south from
    America. :lol:
  4. Im so excited for my honors english class. Every two weeks i need to write a 4 page story, so ive got some ideas
  5. It's semi dead.

    Which isn't anything new, tbh.

    Marodo, that sounds cool. You're lucky D: I'm taking an AAC English class, but I don't think we get to write stories. :(
  6. You cant find it in idevice AT. thats why. i just came accross this since i happen to be on a pc atm
  7. You act like I didn't know this. :p
  8. I finally get some if my long-lost muse. At one in the morning. I can't even grab a notebook and jot down the idea. T-T it's almost nine now, and my muse is gone.

  9. XD, i am lucky. I justneed to have something to write abt
  10. All my school has is plain regular English for my grade so I don't get to write any stories yet
  11. I'm taking creative writing though. So ha! Ha! Ha! :D
  12. I have to wait a year before I can take a writing course :'(
  13. Now I know why I never see any of these high posts people...

    They're hiding in fan fic! ;)
  14. ^You didn't know this already?
  15. Yeah I agree
  16. Surprisingly no... :| I never knew until now :lol: kinda sad since I've been on forums for over a year...
  17. That is rather depressing.
  18. Ehh it's not that bad...
  19. The forums are in a sad state...