A.T.A.S Est in Singapore 30th July 2012 Starting B2B Haunting on 31st August 2012. Most of the member are from Singapore(SGT) so there will be difficulty in doing Haunting during SGT 12am - 12pm. Therefore, we need Euro players that are active during 12pm - 12am EST! Join and support us!
Thanks for your all that timezone info about your clan,makes our jobs as stripo farmers a lot easier and for that I applaud your effort! :lol: NARF!!
A.T.A.S Est in Singapore 30th July 2012 Starting B2B Haunting on 31st August 2012. Most of the member are from Singapore(SGT) so there will be difficulty in doing Haunting during SGT 12am - 12pm. Therefore, we need Euro players that are active during 12pm - 12am EST! Join and support us!
You cannot fool the moose so easily. The time stamps on your two threads have betrayed you. They were made two minutes apart, which eliminates the possibility of an accidental double post. Also, I had to merge these threads in a unique way, because one was in "clans and alliances" and the other was in "strategy". Again, it is impossible to post "accidentally" in two different forums.
Common sense tells me that clan thread should post at Clan and alliance category. But i accidentally posted it in strategy category. That is why i post it into clan and alliance again. Pls get ur facts right, before leaving ur comment such as "crappy clan ads". thanks you v much moose
Common sense also dictates that any post made (with the exception of fan fic) goes directly to the active topics board, where all can see it. People who comment in it will be bumping it for further views, thus keeping it exposed. Common sense also dictates that having the same thread running twice in the active topics board will cause both community irritation and possible confusion, hence the merge. Do you really want to discuss common sense with me? As for this being a crappy clan ad, that's just my opinion. I wonder if forum agrees with it. Who here things this is a fantastic and amazing ad? Show of hands please!
LOL. ya i admit. but i think its a stupid question. how nice or fantastic can a clan thread be in this forum. it only allow words. not like u draw or paint on it. its jus words~~
so u mean its okay if u see guys in girls's toilet?? then what is those category for. i think it mean nothing then...
Well sir or miss, there are better looking clan threads with pictures and more info than what your buddy did here.
ahhh. i understand. but no offence to u bro, so kaw forum should have a new "rule" set by mod. Rule: "thread without pic are crappy and looked down at."