Summer 2012 Championship Ring Stats!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LHL_LegendaryEons_LHL, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. Summer 2012 Championship Ring Stats:

    Basic ring:

    950,000- Troop Attack
    950,000- Troop Defense
    675,000- Spy Attack
    675,000- Spy Defense


    1,450,000- Troop Attack
    1,450,000- Troop Defense
    1,025,000- Spy Attack
    1,025,000- Spy Defense


    1,950,000- Troop Attack
    1,950,000- Troop Defense
    1,375,000- Spy Attack
    1,375,000- Spy Defense


    2,450,000- Troop Attack
    2,450,000- Troop Defense
    1,725,000- Spy Attack
    1,725,000- Spy Defense


    3,250,000- Troop Attack
    3,250,000- Troop Defense
    2,225,000- Spy Attack
    2,225,000- Spy Defense


    4,050,000- Troop Attack
    4,050,000- Troop Defense
    2,725,000- Spy Attack
    2,725,000- Spy Defense


    4,850,000- Troop Attack
    4,850,000- Troop Defense
    3,225,000- Spy Attack
    3,225,000- Spy Defense


    5,850,000- Troop Attack
    5,850,000- Troop Defense
    3,850,000- Spy Attack
    3,850,000- Spy Defense

    ?- Troop Attack
    ?- Troop Defense
    ?- Spy Attack
    ?- Spy Defense


    8,100,000- Troop Attack
    8,100,000- Troop Defense
    5,350,000- Spy Attack
    5,350,000- Spy Defense

    ?- Troop Attack
    ?- Troop Defense
    ?- Spy Attack
    ?- Spy Defense

    The ring may only be enchanted to +9, but based on the previous Summer War Equipment, I believe +10 is max level. Also I found no one with a +8 ring.


    There are only 57 of these rings in all of KaW, so getting these stats are difficult if one of these 57 don't have the specific enchantment.

    Any additions to this thread would be terrific.
  2. Very Shiny Rings O.O
  3. I own two of those 57 
  4. Better than the crappy TGL for sure, lmao.
  5. I will be updating my guide soon with rings and plates...

    Could use info on prices winners if possible, wall me please. Info is well appreciated! :)
  6. This was best I could find. I used android for this thread and messed up bbcode >.> plus I couldn't +8 or +10 rings...
  7. Also I messed up a couple of the stats I put in text form but I cant edit on droid :(
  8. No need for the speech marks in your first fail bb code, I'm sure you notice that now, the colour name doesn't need it.. For example [*color=red]
  9. 57?! I feel special
  10. Wait..I got two too
  11. Theres 1 lvl9 ring atm, soon lvl 10
  12. Damn those stats are great for a ring
  13. I got two 

  14. Yes 58. My apologies Angel, I can't count.