
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-LR-----Dr-Pinky-------LR-_-, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Thanks for enlightening me oh wise corinthian
  2. But it still doesn't make sense cor
  3. I didn't think last Rights would get it but they are winning
  4. Why is no one attacking though
  5. Everyone's attacking. No ones open.
  6. So there's HGL members in merc inc to recieve the 3rd place reward + mithril...
  7. update--last rights 2.3billion! Vs Zaft destiny 54million!
  8. What's up with Laoda's banner?
  9. Dunno if Simone already said, but zaft have like 8 people on their roster... Probably planning something
  10. They can plan and plan and guess what...they can plan somemore but LR are relentless and are hungry for this win! They will not sleep nor will u see them lose many actions at all so plans will be shattered by dtw messages all night! :lol:
  11. LR may be good at System War but ZD will dominate at OSW for sure
  12. Its funny how just days ago people was all zaft will crush LR and this isn't osw no but don't get it twisted as soon as this war is over believe we will be going back to our roots cuz guess what nub we osw 2 hmm no big deal!
  13. K3 are you for real ???? Last rights is packed with osw babies ... All are proven warriors , most from original black hand ... Last rights holds some of the elite at osw ... But yes zaft very skilled too
  14. Just because LR didn't have much LB players in the clan while ZAFT has,people were belittling us
  15. @Pinky

    Turtle wars aren't wars.
  16. Trench Warfare is still Warfare...It's just Warfare in Trenches.
  17. And ice cream in a cup is still ice cream.

    Just in a cup.