Very nice. I prefer all the changes that have been made so far. Can't wait until trial wars to test this new system out
@ kaw I agree with what you are trying to do with emergent behaviour. But banking gold is to easy. Stealing or attacking to take plunder only works to such extent. Everyone goes to war with 0 gold and bank with almost every successful action. As such relying on reduced open gold would not result in the desired effect. Set plunder strikes based on builds not open gold would help. Regarding months and years of work. I agree with what a lot say though like myself we chose our builds. Yes the mechanics are changing which does cause issues. If it needs to be addressed I would suggest a once only exchange. One t4 for another t4 - t5 for t5 etc ie player one exchanges a CF for a Coe A one time only build exchange. Whole kingdom build can be exchanged for identical tier builds to enhance wars. Not a gold refund. This way players stay tat the same level basically but we have a better war system.
My Q: As we all know there will be reward for the winner clan called ESTOC'S EDGE . Will there be any individual prizes in the weekly wars like nobility points or crystals or equipments so that the wars become exciting for all the participants or not?
I also wanted suggest something off topic. U guys should work on a mass message system for admins n clan owners. Messaging for ebs n schedule changes is a pain.
Could we perhaps consider a mith spell that cancels a target player's spell that is running? A counterspell? I think it would add an interesting dynamic to the spell system. Comments?
There seems to be lots of misinterpretation on what will be happening. I read this as: If you zero your own spies and troops you do not forfeit plunder but are unable to participate till you are above 25%. If you are brought to zero by an opposing player the same happens but your team plunder also drops. I agree with TT and another poster that this should be returned to 50%. before you rejoin. Before turtle wars became so commonplace we were winning wars by pinning opponents whilst staying at full troops. Players coming back into the game at 25% are likely to be smashed back to zero whereas 50% gives them a fighting chance. I also don't agree with giving players a "time-out" option. If you can't be active for a war, don't join. If these new mechanics work as I expect; everyone is going to leak some. (I also work and have a family so I am not saying this as someone glued to a computer screen) I'm hoping (no 100% news yet) that pure spies will be dtw to attack with no gold out. They will have enough issues with being assassinated to zero by small spies as soon as they join wars. On the whole, good changes. Nice listening to the players, but don't pander to our needs too much or the game will become too easy.
Macabre things happen in rl that is unexpected. What if your 2 yr old daughter falls and u have to rush to hospital because she bit her thru her tongue and starts spitting blood all over the place? Granted this one of a trillion scenarios a "pause" enchantment is necessary to encompass true human needs and increases enjoyment and participation in war. To tell others "if u cant be active dont join" (some of us have LIVES) just encourages liars and discourages true warriors. Plus if your out for a bit u still lose any chance of being high plunder anyway.
This is a email sent to the Devs and currently has its own thread called "Note to Devs" in Off Topic. Ive posted thier response there. Look to the future Team. Items, ie resources, demand pursuit. Players now merc for Items. The landscape has changed. The future has changed. Imagine some items being only available in certain clans. Imagine clans not being a place but a connection. Players already have stats on total battles completed. Imagine players being tied to other players by this commonality, whom ever you've completed more battles with determines your clan. I could go on for days. Don't lose your foresight by spending too much time on what was. Don't sacrifice one for the other. Balance, grow the new and support the old. Bad idea to penalize a clans bonus by monitoring player movement. Good luck guys. Love your work.
And while im thinking about highest plunder rewards, devs, how about rewarding those of us who pin the enemy spies? Scouts dont give plunder, if im constantly keeping a spy monster pinned through using hundreds of scoutbombs all war, im not going to get high plunder! This increases selfishness in war if those who just want rewards are going to attack and steal. Please think about rewarding scouts and assassination actions, so that all who work hard are rewarded
Sorry, I understand what you're saying, but you have to think about it from both sides, like how it can be abused. Someone could unload both bars and get, let's say 1 bil plunder, then they put up "pause" spells for the rest of the war. A whole clan could do that and guess what, another ultra turtle war, just made easier
So when you say when a player reaches 0 troops they loose a percentage of THEIR plunder, that means it would be worth more to take down a big clan member instead of a small one. Thanks devs, thats exactly what i wanted
Stosrider, if my 2 year old bit through his tongue I would obviously put the game down and rush to hospital. I have to be honest, putting on a spell to make myself dtw would be kind of low on my priorities in that scenario anyway, and if I leaked in an online game but made sure my kid was ok I could live with it; as I'm sure my clan could too. Activity should be monitored via actions and communication. We are experienced enough to be able to see if a clanmate has gone inactive and can act accordingly. I am simply trying to make sure there aren't too many safeguards for players. Risk is part of this game which makes it alluring, let's try keep some of it.