A lot will be in same boat build wise There are still ways to self pin And hitting a player who has been inactive for x amount of minutes should earn less plunder than than hitting an active opponent. Thus meaning targets will switch whilst opponent is down so you have to seek enemies most active players so clan communicates all incoming fire to locate that player each time it changes. If you repeat pin some one then plunder reduces each time until player is able to become active.
These rules look great! wars seemed to have dropped off ever since epic battles were introduced. This should bring them back!
First let me say I applaud the devs for listening to the feedback and making wars much more interesting an exciting by attempting to eliminate self pin or coordinated clan/alliance clan pins. Bravo and well done. However, I am afraid that a lot of the mechanics changes will be significantly diluted by the lack of crystal usage. One of the most exciting parts of wars is pushing the crystal button and pounding an enemy who seriously deserves it for being lazy and/or stupid. If there is a legitimate use for crystals it is definitely for WAR. You limit the use of xstals for a war but no further restrictions on using xstals for ebs? I'm sorry devs but as far as I can tell, that move was a petty political gesture to placate those who would suggest that you are using it as an excuse to make $$. Seriously folks-I find it difficult to believe that people would complain about $5 for a war. Really? How bout you forego that double mocha skinny frappa caramel mochiato cappuccino nonsense at Starbucks once a week? Limiting to 1 xstal seriously minimizes the effects of all the other changes. Think about it-how many people used xstals in the semis and quarterfinals of the summer wars? My bet would be zero! Because they are all turtle wars with no openings. So you create openings by new structure of wars but you can't xstal. . I would ask that you very much reconsider the xstal limits and bring it back to 6 xstals as it has always been. Oh yeah-Rooneycam made a good point about build changes given new war mechanics and the rush to t5 immediately prior to war changes. It would be a nice gesture to give 100% refunds on t5s in order to change builds for a limited time.
All these points are very good, and to me the xsal limitation is fair though maybe not to 1? In a 12 hour war, like a 12 hour eb, you would be allowed what 6xstals? These can usually be achieved through quests or free everynow and then. Though it may give people who pay the upper hand, thats true of all aspects of the game... The change to 25% is much better as this will help keep the war active for all players! I support all of these points and look forward to seeing the bonuses in action, and interested to see what the rewards will be And if you need any test dummies sign me up
The Estoc's Edge threshold for membership retention is going to cause problems. Somebody on the last thread mentioned transitioning the Bonus instead to the individual Kingdoms having participated in the War Event. This is probably the smartest way to roll this Bonus out: you fought in the War Event, you earned Estoc's Edge for the week so long as you stay in the Clan. Not sure if this is feasible but it will accomplish everything you are setting out to do without any chance of abuse.
Hatfield made some great points. I agree with all of them. The xtal limit definitely needs to be increased. If not to 6, at least 3 or 4. How do you expect people to pull off effective strips if they can't use xtals? Just a thought.
what no in clan pinning please tell me that's some sort of joke? how am i suppose to go the toilet and make food? :roll: you making it so that were sat there for the full 12 hours :ugeek: the 0% troop that decreases plunder is just favouring bigger clans. 1 xtal is a abit strict maybe raise that to 3. apart from that , all good . p.s. gponders right, you should make mith from wars. most of the time I just get back what I have used or less . Maybe lower amount of mith to buy certain things or give bigger mith rewards.
Just the humble opinion of a player that likes system wars. I support the increased chance of equipment drops for clans that win wars, but the increased plunder for winning clans seems redundant. Would it not be simpler and more equitable to just lower or eliminate the extremely high war tax of 40%? Also players often use more Mithril during war than they are rewarded for winning war. I would like to see the double Mithril payouts from summer wars applied to all wars. Huge support for KaW setting up wars and tournaments. This makes me very happy as I often spend more time setting up wars than I do fighting in them. Support for no outside hits. This will help when matching the strength of opposing clans. I don't like the no hits on your own clan idea. I think a clan that works together to have a strong defense is a viable strategy. I do not see the benefit in simplifying war by eliminating possible strategies. KAW's PROPOSED NEW WAR MECHANICS: I am skeptically optimistic about this, but why reinvent the wheel? Instead of changing KAW's excellent game mechanics you could just make 2 simple changes. MY PROPOSAL: 1. Add defense and spy defense pots of equal strength to current attack and spy attack pots that are dropped from EBs. So the total bonus from all attack pots is equal to the total bonus from all defense pots. Pots should be the only static bonus. 2. All static bonuses, except pots, should be changed to bonuses that vary based on troop levels, or spy levels. In other words a player at 10% troops would not only be at 10% of attack stats but also get 10% of attack bonus from allies, 10% of equipment bonuses, 10% of attack stat buffs from Mithril, ect. This would be good because fighting from pin would not be eliminated but instead would be a good defensive strategy. It would come at a price though as players fighting from pin would constantly fail attacks, steals, and assassinations. I believe my proposal would not only improve system wars but also OSW. When system wars were new and static bonus were smaller and pots were equal fighting from pin sometimes worked but often failed. The fact that many different strategies could be successful in system wars makes wars more dynamic, more complex, and more fun. Overall I am happy to see new updates focused on wars and support KaW's proposed changes. I'll stop rambling now : )
Get the dtw mechanics back to 50% DEVS . As we all know , everyone will be trying to remain with FULL TROOPS so how will a player with only 25% troops fight them . Probably rival clan will be noticing the time he reached zero troops and after calculating the time it takes to reach 25 % troops , they will again tear him down so this CHANGE should be REVERTED . I like the new crystal usage , full support on that . Everyone was complaining about having no time in RL when there are wars . So when the DEVS gave you time ( approximate 30 mins) from 0 troops to 50 % troops , you guys changed it back ???? This is not we wanted , change it back to 50% pls . Thank you
As explained in the original post, scenario #1 will not lead to a loss in plunder. Scenario #2 does fit the spirit of what we are trying to do.
Mentioned earlier, our goal is to ensure that all builds are valid when we make these changes. If you want to change your build for the war because you feel there is a better one, that is a choice you will have to make based on the gold it will cost. Our goal is to make this change fair and reasonable for all involved, and not erase months or years of work. If that is no longer true, we will see what we can do, but right now, we don't see this happening.
This should be emergent behaviour, because a pinned player loses a percentage of their plunder. If you keep pinning the same player, eventually it won't be worth it as you have already stripped away the majority of their plunder.
We believe that most players will be hitting 25% and then unloading to 0% quickly so they enter stasis. Unless you are severely mismatched, I doubt there will be too many players sitting around with 1000% troops. We may be wrong, but that's what the trail wars are for.
But devs I think that we do need a xtal regen like 1 or 2 every 1 or 2 weeks so it takes awhile for ppl to save up on xtals don't you think plz
@GTA No. Just no. You should already be thankful enough that this app is possible to play for free. if you want one xtal a week, do quests. If you can't get one in an entire week then you truly have horrible luck No charge for being your secretary KaW (Even though you didn't like my idea either :cry: )
Will the mathcups for estocs edge be chosen by the devs or by the clans?and if its by the devs will it b fair mathcups?
I like multiple things about this, the quest being locked, blocking outside hits and ecto's edge. I'm still hoping for an item that can only be obtained from war or the ability to mess with another players enchanted items but I like it.
@Kaw Have you thought about customizing the options and giving clans the feature to turn these on/off? I mean some of these could really hurt certain builds. Like for example if you remove DTW on a Hansel they are an easy leak and they won't go DTW if they go to sleep which can really hurt their clan if they get troops to 0%