If a pure spy build is taken to 0% would that effectively put them into stasis I guess was my question ?
I said this on the other thread aswell, Does this mean I can be clanless, sign up and then get matched with loads of other clanless players or does it mean that my clan signs up and we war another clan of similar size? Cheers.
You could... However rewards are tied to Epic Battles and they aren't really tuned for 1 player clans, I'm not sure what you can get out of it.
Hansels r easy target. Just like hitting osf. They r they just be to regen to get hit. And they can be easily hit into stasis which will disable their spy actions as well. Another case will be their troops float at 25% lvl to regen to get hit. But they won't go into stasis because their spy lvl is high. In this case, it's their only chance to be useful. But if u consider the plunder of steal versus attack, they r pathetic again. Whole point of hansel is self pin and steal/assa. Now their major advantage is disabled.
Okay thankyou. Well sometimes it's hard to find a decent system war without weeks worth of planning so i'd happily just jump into one.
I like most of the ideas so far. My main question is whether or not Auto Join will be used is this new system? Thank you for your time.
@cheese if they did I didn't catch that. Good clarifying point. Do both troops and spies need to be zero'd, in order to be put into stasis ?
The vague consideration in my mind was thinking two or three would be better, actually. Maybe two for 12hr, three for 24hr, and four for 48hr?
imho, i think that taking plunder away from your opponent when you bring them down to zero should be changed. i would prefer gaining plunder instead, but that's just my opinion.