Upcoming War Changes

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. I think clan wars should be all clan vs clan and all outside interference should be blocked for the duration and if youre blocking quests to focus hits on each other then also block ability to pin on outside or each other on same side too.
  2. I love this stuff!!! Finally some properly accessable wars!!!
  3. I am worried about two things:
    1. This will hurt hansels as most. Hansel and mixed builds will become always as primary targets. Its like a double plunder war.
    2. Some members will do hard work on war. Other members will get higher drops and plunder next week even when not participating in war. More fair system would be just a higher plunder / bonus reward on victory for all victors.
  4. Like the incentiviz idea, would like too see more 12 hour easily accessible wars. Would like to be able to sign up for a war on the weekend in the appropriate time frame for my time zone
  5. @dms; hansels will also have a really easy time pinning, which might make up for the lose in plunder
  6. great idea kaw this would really help people :)
  7. The features are good and I support them but during the war no one should be allowed outside hits and no outside hits should be allowed . This way , nobody can pin himself by doing outside hits
  8. Your insane devs! What about hansels??? We have to be pinned in wars or it's almost an automatic win for other clan!! and also, once pinned we can't attack others till 50%????? WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?! I like the dtw is only at 0 troops, but we should be able to attack anyone with ANY amount of troops except for 0! FIX THE NOT BEING ABLE TO HIT UNTIL 50% THING. also, in wars now a days, people SELF PIN! So we do focus our troops on the war, but wen thry are all dtw, it puts us in danger of not being dtw! So we have to do Quests! Your SCREWING hansels everywhere. And about your comment "we will take all feedback into consideration"... Here's what I have to say to that, BULL ****!!. You guys obviously DON'T care about what the population of KaW wants. Example - Upgrade T5 to Level 2! Cost : 50,000,000,000!!! 50b • 25 = 1 trill 250b.. For lvl 2's only. Lvl ones are 25b. 25b • 25 = 625b. 625b 1 trill 250b = 1 trill 875b. And if I'm correct, lvl 3's will be 75b - 100b. I'm gonna use 75b as example. 75b • 25 = 1 trill 875b! For lvl 3. So 1trill 875b 1trill 875b = 3 trill 750b. FOR HIGHLANDS ONLY. so wen you open T5 to lowland, it'll be 3trill 600b because castle takes up 1 of 25 lands. So 3 trill 600b 3trill 750b = 7 Trillion 350 billion... To get HLBC.... You do realize only like 500-1,000 pp in KaW have that much in allies right? So obviously you don't care what we want/think. Back to the wars, CHANGE THE NOT BEING ABLE TO HIT TIL 50% AND THE QUESTS BEING LOCKED UNLESS HITS TOWARDS PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THE WAR ARE ALLOWED!! ALSO, PEOPLES PLUNDER IN WAR SHOULDN'T BE TAKEN AWAY BECAUSE THEY GOT PINNED!!! THAT DOESN'T TRULY SHOW HOW THEY WARRED!! FIX THIS
  9. @wargorilla, I completely agree. But em... Was the caps lock necessary? :lol:
  10. Looks great ! KingdomsAtWarAgainAtLast . I think blocking everything from 0to 50% regen would be too long. 20% was ok, if you prevent ppl from fighting from under pin it will make wars far more interesting. The rewards look awesome. Thanks guys. When would that be released ?
  11. Trust me, your not about to make more people war.. Your about to run wars for hansels and hybrids right into the ground. Good luck getting me to do system wars ever again if you make it like this. The sad thing is, I love wars, and was just about to make a war clan next week. That I would get a few friends in every weekend and war someone. Looks like that is not gonna happen
  12. Maybe the devs would actually listen more if it's in CAPS
  13. @wargorilla : hansels have never been war builds anyway. Just useful to get money and upgrade. In wars only spies (fullspies) and attack builds are useful. Hansel are used in wars for their spy abilities and need their troops pinned all time... Which proves they r not fit for war
  14. Lol suppose you're right... Although I doubt it :roll:

    Anyway, I 100% agree with you. Devs are just trying to screw over spies. We were too smart for them so now they dislike us ;)
  15. Not necessaeily Jurza. True it may not be conventional for hansels to war, but if you knowhow to use a hansel effectively in war then you can do serious damage to the other side.

    They may not be war builds when created but can be used for war, and win wars, in the right hands.
  16. Wait wait, this helps hansels.... A Hansel can waste his troops on a spy build to pin him or at least take a few troops away so the Hansel makes himself 0% troops and is pinned, then all they have to do is as soon as they regen past 50 hit anyone on opposite side till your 0 again.. In the meantime wack people with your spies
  17. I get the feeling I'm missing something here but isn't this good for hansels as they have to regen to 50% troops before they can be attacked?
    Again I probably misunderstand
  18. Oh already stated
  19. Lol Jurzasome hansels make top plunder in wars. And when they don't make High plunder, it's cuz they are too busy pinning attck builds and beating other spies and hansels uptrust me
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