I'm not too fond of the 50% DTW, but other than that I love it! (And yes this is my alt, haters, because my iPhone account(main) couldn't post)
Should add some good fun to the war, though I'm not too keen on the DTW at 50%. I want it gone completely to stop people from using it as a weapon.
To further clarify spies, hansels, and spy actions in general are huge in sw's. At least they have been until now. Alot will change probably with the end of turtling but still I see alot of grey with spies and spy actions . Wonder if the devs could weigh in and the kaw community.
I believe the dtw system is one of the main reasons why the war system Is hardly used. Don't listen to him. And good ideas devs. It's about time we have a war system revamp.
I suggest the 0% apply to both troop and spy actions. If you go to 0% troops you wait till 50% to use them again. Same with your spies. The plunder loss penalty be applied to each side as a ratio depending on custom build.
Warrior builds would take a bigger plunder penalty when 0% and spies hansels bigger plunder penalty hit 0% spies. The rarer half half hybrids something more balanced.
OHHH YEAH I'm so excited. I love wars as they are.. But this? Man in pumped. I love all these ideas. My suggestion: Players should be able to control how much war tax is taken off (like of someone wants to earn more for themselves or for war). ~Brandonjja
Oh yeah, and I had another suggestion: Small Clan Wars It's like the Summer Wars, only the main difference is lower rewards, and only smaller clans can join (not too small!) And is there an estimated date release yet?
If this has been said already, then consider this support for previous comments: Please vary the days when weekly events or tournaments are offered - don't make them weekends only like the summer tournament was. Thanks.
That estoc stage is just gonna make the stronger clans even stronger.. I'm sorry but, it sounds like ur just making the rich even richer !!!!
I like no pinning on quest during war, but that is about it. I think the winning clan should get items or steal items from losing side. You can ff but lose double the amount of items for clan. Ex winner gets 10 items from losing clan, but if they FF they lose 20.
I like these ideas! But I think the changes to pin should be an option to select, like locked rosters, not forced upon you
let's say for every xxx attacks u loses during war, it shall destroy a random building on ur land, so u pay for losing while every xxx win u gain shall be rewarded