Hmm... I think they could use a little bit of tweaking. I'll send an email at some point within the week.
Now that I read Estors Edge again... I hate the fact its NOT permanent. That's so lame. You'd make somebody war (lost probably a few bil, I lose about 6-7b in SW) in pots and probably get an extra..what? 2-3b with the Estors Edge? It should be permanent or last longer than a week. A month or two, so they can actually enjoy and use it, plus grow some newbies quicker. The other thing was, about the change in roaster. What if some clan has 80 members and 20 join but 10 leave? That's a 12% change in roaster.. But more than 20% in new comers. Will that (in my opinion, stupidly) expire the 1 week time?
Maybe the item should last 1 month ? Then it will be easier to achieve higher levels and get the bonuses.
Slayer it's an incentive to war, if you have a maxed out achievement and it's there forever well whatever, but Its not an incentive to fight and get it back. 2-4 weeks would be better though
They do something for wars at last! I'll have to read through this again and give it some more thought but it looks extremely strategical!!!
Sounds like rules for pure spy, hansel, and spy troops in general ,need to be worked on and included.
is the dtw flag still there if you arent in a clan war? if so then kaw has turned into a slaughter house
If the clan bonus was a month or permanent, wouldn't it would affect the clans losing the wars? (e.g. loosing members because the clan doesn't have the bonus. Not many players are loyal to their clans anymore.) I think it's safe to say that clans with a bonus such as a permanent eb plunder increase would easily gain more members just because of that bonus. It would kind of thicken the line between the strong and the weak.
Plunder loss for members taken to Zero ? Don't understand that one .. We make no plunder bonus in the end anyway .. And what a member takes he already has taken ... Just not sure what the thought process behind this is ...
I've actually got mixed feelings about this.. While I like the idea of having more targets to swing at, I also like having some sort of means of protection from the fights I can't win.. These tourney's as is the case with these closing summer wars are going to keep attracting the strongest accounts to participate. Without the dtw mechanism, a clan that fills up with these top ranked ally LB players will walk over other smaller clans that just want to war. These changes will actually encourage merc'ing. Another unstoppable challenge for a troop build will be spies. A spy can steal a warrior all day long without ever touching his troops and all the spy def towers in the world won't stop the first 50% of a spy's bar. And what about a large ally hired during the war, there's no going pin to bank? That could cause serious damage.. Sure, sure.. It's a war game.. But these changes are for system wars and tourneys, not osw.. That's a heavy risk to take just to take part in a competition. Again, I like the idea of getting away from 24 hrs of DTW, but I'm not sure taking away an attack builds' only defense against players that are double or triple their size, or spies stealing until they hit their xtal limit is the best solution. I loved the tourney, but have a life also, and dtw was a godsend during those unfortunate times when life pops up when you're trying to kaw. Support for trying to make system wars more exciting and more enjoyable, but can't support taking away an attack builds' only fail safe. At least no support for taking it away completely. I'm sure the changes will go into effect as stated regardless of opinions though.. Will be interesting to see them in action.
Wow, there is no big surprise that the changes put big emphasis on System Wars. But these changes really need to have a second and third view. Im really surprised at this random ideas with a common theme of making spys suffer. It narrows the build options and the successful mechanics of different build strategies. Basically it renders spy builds useless. Wars will be reduced from strategy/tactics to button mashing and who can stay awake longest. Im speechless and clueless..
This looks very exciting and I am extremely excited about war.Especially the quest disability. I'm sorry if I missed this in the forum but how long will these War's last?
@galdurstierr, (sorry if I spelled your name incorrectly) not only that but, a game to test how much you are willing to spend on xstals as well