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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How much do you get back if an ally resets??? Still 4%?
  2. If youve owned the ally for less than one day, then you receive back 4.5%. If youve owned for 15 days or more you get 60%. No one knows the imbetween.
  3. Was that in a recent update? :| Guess I didn't read the update thread...Sorry for the mistake.
  4. That was from an update a while ago.
  5. Read This
  6. What eb you get electric strom bow from
  7. WHO LOCKED SWABIA'S THREAD?? :twisted: /endcapsrage rage
  8. I'd like to see the answer to that as well 
  9. Im gonna go out on a limb andsay Wulf. He locked -HellsAngel-'s thread, so possibly.
  10. Either Wulf or kaw.
  11. :evil: * that sucks, we'll have to make a new one... :(

    Thanks for the answer ;)
  12. ERMAHGAWD! The thread is back!
  13. Go on holidays and come back and this old thing is back up and running...

    Anyway! Which is better for plunder, a t4 lvl.3 or a t5 level 1?

    And which is better for plunder, a SOS lvl.3 or the new spy building lvl.1? Thanks!
  14. T5 level 1 better plunder if you have defensive build. Not too sure about others. Almost same stats, a tad bit higher.

    T3 level 1 better plunder than SOS level 3 and better stats.
  15. Thank you slayer! Now to start upgrading to t3 spies as soon as possible 
  16. is there any benefit to redoing quests?
  17. You can get nobility and crystals. Plus money.