Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLastOneAlive, Aug 20, 2012.

    'We take responsibilities to farm!'

    19 August 2012, two respectable clans came together in unison to cement their blood alliance and bring down the terror of bullies in KAW WORLD! We take the responsibilities to farm the lives of bullies and to make their Gold vanish into thin air!


    Once we use crystals, we will make sure u feel the pain!
  2. Your second post is reserved for what, exactly?
  3. Cool
  4. I warred Yafi and Judgement before B)anyways good luck with your clan
  5. Question : why you will Fight Bully ? All i can c that you bully !
  6. Didn't you all get destroyed by ZAFT not to long ago ?
  7. Please read serpents clan to making a clan thread, right now it's horrendous. The idea is nice and can work If you put in effort, good luck in future endeavors ;)
  8. A1 there still in war with Zaft
  9. Ah for some reason I though that war ended.
  10. CHeer!!!!!! More then 100 Spy Hansel Join together Cheer!!!!!!!!
  11. Support! I'm hansel are you guy still recruiting?
  12. Speaking from experience....

    You cannot "kill" YAFI. They love fighting naked or not.

    Much respect from Alpha.
  13. ajax and these guys

    the 2 poeple / clan i wouldnt want to **** off lol.
  14. I had a war with them before
  15. rip - more than 100? You need to create another new clan then .

    Good to see you finally merged though n wish you well in any "future" wars 
  16. Ya__Judgement_Fi Full Support You guyz kick ass
  17. YAFI is dead....

    Outlawz I see you.