Favorite Song And Movie!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Seth-Burton84, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Comment below about your favorite movie and/or song. My favorite song is Mirrors by Lil Wayne. My favorite movie is Fast Five. Thanks for your time. 
  2. Somebody that I used to know dubstep remix

    Any of the lotr movies
  3. I like that song too
  4. Sexting and How High.
  5. My favorite song is Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day and my favorite movie is Drum Line.
  6. Great thread!  It has really helped me with STRATEGY in the game. The Off Topic section off forums is definitely not the place for this thread.
  7. I try not to judge on this kinda stuff, but I hate every one of those songs and movies. (except for lotr)
  8. Fav song: Bloody Mary by Nightcore/ Payphone by Maroon 5 :p fav movie is Avatar by James Cameron <--- AWESOME MOVIE
  9. Fav song Amsterdam by Jacques Brel, movie Jean de Florette
  10. If I'm supposed to have *one* favorite song, it will always be "Master of Puppets" by Metallica. As for movies, it's "Marvel's The Avengers" right now.
  11. this guide in the STRATEGY section really helped me.