Anime/manga lovers clan coming soon!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *dragonmaster65 (01), Aug 17, 2012.

  1. It has come to mine and my friends attention that there are anime/manga lovers in the world of kaw. So me LordBuu and tia_the_beast are going to make a clan where all anime/manga lovers are welcome. We would appreciate it if as many anime/manga lovers would come. We will have very active cc and the chance to grow. We will all get strong and then we will start doing item ebs b2b. We will go in order with each item eb. ALSO there will be admin spots open. We will have 1 head admin and some where around 15-20 admin spots open. If u have any good names for the anime/manga lover clan then wall me or lordbuu the name u think of. Thanks for your time and hope you join
  2. What if I only like one and think the rest are gay?
  3. Can i stay in my clan and love anime from a distance?
  4. you can like either manga or anime it doesnt matter as long as u join! We will be happy for u to join! :