An Interesting Fact about Combined Stats

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIlCIlIKlIl, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. False info, to be #1 on overall lb, it is not only about cs. You would have to be HLBC and have more gold in allies, among other things. Hence the OVERALL part.
  2. Dah my main is still to small for you...
  3. Name? I would like to see.
  4. Sigh why do you want to hit me again...
  5. Kinda bored. You also said I was smart! sarcastically :|
  6. Wasn't sarcastic :| I mean't it awkward..
  7. Cool story bro. Give me your mains name, if it's not your main, woe betide you. Post it on my wall.
  8. Chongo has more in bfa than u do in bta.
  9. Did I ever say that he didn't?
  10. Wow. Thats alot of money. Anyone have a Trill I can borrow? Jk