To Get Your Achievement. 1. Update KaW. 2. Get on KaW. 3. Hit an Epic Battle/Battle List. 4. If you are over the amount to get it, it will update and give you achievement. And you've got it! (As of now it seems there is only the achievement for attacking. Any others are unknown.)
*Also. For All Saying That These Aren't Achievement Bonuses... You are incorrect! The level 3 Attack and Assassination achievement gives a 2% bonus to attack or spy attack. Report any other bonuses you find here!
*We are looking at a second teir of bonuses/achievements. To view these, go to your achievements>all>scroll down until you see the achievements like Vanquisher. Won't the top LB - Battles won - players have it. Looks very nice! (My assassination achievement looks sexy too )
This is probably off topic, however I see the new Achievement permanent item. Will resets like me have to level them up according to our stats, or will they be upgraded due to our previous assassinations and attacks? I.e our old Achievements say we assassinated say 5000 times but our perm item says we only did It 600. Is It based off of what we had or have at this moment?
Hey guys I think that these big attacks and steals achievements have something to do with T5 . We know that it is impossible to get that many steals so the devs released T5 so that we can get them easily .
There isnt a new update so i cant get builds cheaper cause stupid devs are gonna release it at midnight
It is common knowledge that resets // reset your actions counter. So..while you keep the achievement for getting say...800 assassinations..when you reset, the counter goes back to 0, so you'll have to redo those 800 plus any additional assassinations you made before reset before you make the next achievement. Sorry..
No...the point of these achievements are they cannot be earned most of the original achievements could. An exeption to this that could be considered could be the max scout achievement before epic battles repeat action button appeared.. when it released most thought it was near-impossible to achieve.. You could say though that because there's that 3rd achievement for steals that the developers have made it more of a pvp achievement, since spies are highly unlikely to make that many steals off of an opposed to how many they would make in a system war, or from stripping...the others are more eb attainable...