Kingdoms at War v1.35 Released! Bug Fixes and Achievements

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. 25k actions? That's 400 days of non-stop hitting without crystals. Props for the bonuses, but I think they should be called "crystal bonuses"
  2. or loyalty bonuses...
  3. Wait... Then how do I have 120k attacks? Have I really been playing like 2000 days?
  4. Not quite. Had you been playing from the inception of the game, I rounded to three years for easy math, constantly you would barely have enough actions, 26,280. It is nigh impossible to get those badges then without significant usage of crystals.
  5. if we'd been playing since the start of the game, ignoring exploited to bump my count up significantly, think about how many xtals I would have earned from quests/quest mastery+rewards to compensate for downtime...
  6. 500k actions....

    Ha! There joking.
  7. Thanks for finally releasing achievement bonuses devs .

    I will sit patiently for mine to arrive.
  8. Hehehe KaW has a very interesting sense of humor
  9. Lol I've been playing like two years and have only 3000 steals. At this rate it would take me a little over 333 years to get that achievement.
  10. Cor you are saying that quests provide enough crystals to significantly reduce the time to get to 25k? Even with multiple resets I find that unlikely.
  11. I said quest mastery xtals plus xtals awarded by the devs to the players.
    resets would not help your achievements by the way
  12. If you played from the start of the game, approx. 3 years, 12 hours every day, you would need 500 crystals. Quests and dev handouts really amount to that?
  13. Jim, u lost, quit digging urself a deeper hole
  14. Lost? I have not yet begun to fight :lol:
    I forgot to take into account that your attacks reset after you reset. So you would need even more crystals make up for that.
  15. You're kidding right Jim? 25k attacks is easy if you hit EBs...
  16. I've seen noobs with over 25k attacks. It's really not as hard to do as your making it seem.
  17. *rechecks math*
    *relizes he forgot to multiply by 24 again*
    *feels stupid*
    Well that's embarrassing
  18. Everyone dogged on me about posting a thread about this. And now look we have it. Haha
  19. Guys look at me I have one of them just update and stop complaining
  20. @ Jim

    It's ok we all over think stuff sometimes.