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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. An obese panda with an AK-47. Didn't he announce that earlier??
  2. how to recover my account.............. I m Android user
  3. How do you quote?
  4. [ quote="person's name" ] quote [ /quote ]

    Enter words and remove spaces
  5. Y did I get free xtals from kaw? Jw
  6. They had some unscheduled server downtime and that is their apology.
  7. Make sure youre not putting a wrong name though buckeye. That counts as impersonation.
  8. Has the t4 half price been released yet? If so i dont have it...
  9. No.

    Read the news thread on this topic for the answer to your question.
  10. Will the t5's open to the low lands anytime here in the near future? Thanks
  11. Most likely not
  12. Im thinking never.
  13. Is there a t5 hassle guide out yet?
  14. Has t4 been cut in half already?

    If not how much do you get back if you sell your buildings?
  15. Joey: as The prices been sliced by 50% when you sell you only get back 50% less on the 5b so it's 2.5b u get back
  16. So t4 has already been sliced in half?

    Are you saying a buildings refund is 50%?