Unplanned Outage 8/10/12

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Players that were participating in epic battles that were affected by the outage will be compensated.

    -For the clans that the timer expired causing a defeat we will treat it as you had won.
    -For the clans that the timer has not expired and the epic battles are still ongoing we will most likely be extending the hours. Or going back to the first option.

    We will also be giving everyone on top of that, 4 health crystals. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  2. Thank you devs for getting the game back up back to my button clicking.
  3. That's one hell of a compensation. Lol thanks KAW
  4. Meh.... well said
    Now gimme the achievement bonuses
  5. THANKS kaw 
  6. Wow, that's a lot more then we deserve
  7. Thnks kaw.... Great game
  9. Lol quick forums post
  10. How is that more than what we deserve? Are you kidding me with that post? They gave us what we should get. Period.
  11. Incorrect killer, u are getting 4 free xtals
  12. On top of what u DESERVE
  13. I want 30 xtals
  14. Can I just have all the equipment! ;) I will forfeit my health crystal for all equipment 
  15. N what abt my spells ?