Permanent: Lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely. That being said, ask the devs in about a month and they probably will.
majority of big time zones wont be on, so no, xtals arent really good here. its 30 minutes, go watch TV
It's probably to fix some bugs on pc. A few days ago a minor update was done for pc where you can see the items in eb history, see who's active in your clan for ebs, and go to the profile of players from the eb history. There are still bugs for all three of those things. I'm not sure if anything else was added though.
So many pointless questions and so much pointless curiosity ........ 30minute shut down for maintenance Unload before it, incase it's a little longer and then wait for it to come back up.... Geeze... Do you people really have to put much more thought to it than that? Seriously ? Maintenance ideally means bug fix... They didn't say shutdown for new patch ( being t5 or achievement rewards) ..... Herp-a derp-a
I'm sorry, but some of you people are a bunch of spoiled b!tches! Just flat out demanding crap like you're entitled to it. They just gave us a new EB with 5 new missions, new equipment, new potions, let us buy mith, and are about to release t5 buildings. Get off their backs. I'm not saying you've got to be like, "Thank you so much Devs" or kissing their a$$es, but quit your freaking complaining. It's a really fun game... it works great... and oh yea, IT"S FREE! And yes, I might be a noob and can't even play the new eb or get the new equipment, but so what. At least I'm not acting like an ungrateful brat. Grow up or get lost! :!: :evil: :evil: :!:
TV rots the brain what part of your mind does it exercise exactly? That being said.. Its been along time since they handed out crystals and I bet any non pro-packer around would gladly take them since they dont drop anywhere freakin else around here. It was real nice when they used to have lots of maintenance and crytals dropped more than a few times a yr. Im not asking for old kaw back. Im not asking for effin achievements that never come. Im not asking for reset return rate to be restored or made full (although with all the volley duping going on Id say thats a downright crying shame devs took that away and we get screwed out of money other ppls choices). Im not even asking for successful actions in war should count for more rewards(mith) given out (IT SHOULD dammit). Just a crystal drop once in a while. Its not asking much.
Who cares the game is free to play ! Let it take an hour, you will only regen in that time if u unload right b4,no biggie, but I'd it goes over an hour I hope u have ear plugs ata