The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. So it's basically tazing your *******?

  2. It's the awkward moment when you've touched an electric fence before.

    (Never going near an electric fence with him again.)
  3. Wow, i was like a day away from quitting kaw and then foxes kicked me... Hmm.
  4. So let's see.
    I'm still at MIT, with nobody to communicate comfortably with, because this new group of "students" are a bunch of dim-witted disrespectful assholes, and the ones who are "smarter" are just annoying with their "infinite" knowledge and how they brag about things that never happened.

    And so I came here. Thanks guys, Fan Fic is now so boring I hate it almost as much as OffTopic.
  5. Cheese, you shouldn't say things you can't take back…
  6. Somebody needs a cookie...
  7. If you hate it, then why do you proceed to stay and complain about it?
  8. Well -


  9. I think we need to make this more fun if people are going off and dissing it now.
  10. Ah. I love the smell of chocolate in the evening.
  11. What is nagging at me right now is how condescending be is being. You can't be angry that you aren't as intelligent as everyone else in your group. Just aspire to be smarter. Duh, lol.
  12. You lost me at "Duh, lol"
  13. Wut.

    Came on to say hi to a friend who lives in the city I'm currently staying at. But, ah...

    Hey, cheese! I visited MIT and Harvard Yard last night ^^; I'm a nice little tourist.