Re: PostQuestionsHere Technically the titans lairs are 5% better for plunder compared to the other buildings.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Just trying to figure the most efficient way to set up my kingdom for plunder, attack, and defense. Thanks for ur help
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yw. Just remember, the perfect build is the one that suits your playing style perfectly.
Re: PostQuestionsHere For a hansel of my size whats my max plunder. How mic should I have in allies
Re: PostQuestionsHere That should be. You can test to make sure. Hit EB/player and remember allies bonus. Hire 100 mil ally and hit again. If it goes up you're not at MP, if it stays the same you are.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Double click home button when at home screen>hold down on KaW app>press delete button thing>open KaW again
Re: PostQuestionsHere Does YOUR OWN hire value play a part in YOUR mp? not your owners but yours. does it increase your mp?