The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I said hello to a gypsy today. :D
  2. Was her name Pinkie Pie?
  3. Awww... Cheese. You just made me cry. Miss the old roll play SO MUCH!
  4. Lolz. Roll play.
  5. I'm descended from gypsies eagle. Not the new kind who scam people but I have Romanian origins and I had gypsy ancestors a couple centurys back.

    Also me and my mom have really sharp teeth and are pale
  6. Vampire? o_O Get the stakes ready...
  7. Do you sparkle?
    No? Good, I ain't having Twilight crap in the Cafè.

    Is it just me, or is FF back in AT?
  9. I think Fanfiction is in active topics on the computer.
  10. If you're on anything else you're just weird.
  11. Oh. Okay. Good. I thought some crazy shiz must've happened. o.o Obviously, I'm normally a-- Wait, nevermind, I forgot that I don't need to explain my usual device to you. >.<
  12. I'm one of Paradox's crazy cohorts.

    Good enough for you?
  13. Who's Pradox? :I
  14. ... You know who I meant.
  15. I'm drunk, you don't have an excuse!

  16. NUUU DON'T STAKE ME. Also the garlic thing is bull. And the sparkler **** is bull to.
  17. Wow 1465 pages. I just finished reading all of them