once again doing stuff for the bug guys not the little guys,to much stuff going on atm;wr tournament,all star war soon,t5 and harder ebs,for small guys;ambush thats it...t5 yay...not
And Ppl called me a noob and said I was fooled by some one as I mentioned t5 buildings in forums about two month ago
KEEP ally chat I chat with my ally most every day it's great I can use cc and chat to friends elsewhere at the same time !
Stop complaining that you want war. All you have to do is stop eb'ing, no one said you have to bash eb's all day. Ive played nearly 3 years, different accounts, reset, and if I wouldn't have warred / farmed I could easily be hlbc with a few trill in allies I reckon. I'm not bothered though, a new tier just makes the game more fun. More people with gold out trying to upgrade more crying
Hmm I think I'm gonna quit now, thanks a lot devs Just when I thought this was getting fun we have to EB all day again
T5 buildings are great. Noobs stop crying maybe if you put 20 hours like the big players and listen to ppl that have been playing since game came out you'd get somewhere. But.. Devs this is piss poor timing. To drop everything out all at once. You successfully killed your own summer war tournaments. All of kaw is back in building mode. As a suggestions you should have seasons. Season for war "summer wars" season for new Ebs season for new building teirs season for anniversary wars. Make kaw flow a lot easier and make kaw players less frustrated/pissed off at you
If Devs are smart and want to bring war back then they will make Mith the currency to buy T5 buildings. Maybe 100-200 mith for a level 3. Key is that there is no gold 2 mith conversion and that war is the only way to earn Mith. That should bring war back to KaW.
Totally agree buster but pw exploited that so they changed they pay of wars. So we are our own fault for killing real wars by doing pwars
@ facelesskilla's post on page 29.. Ok, second paragraph, I think your right. First paragraph.. If You wanna spend trillions on T5's, then you can do it happily.. But some of us don't wanna waste all the $ we have worked so hard to get, on new buildings that we all know, will cost hundreds of billions, for 1 or 2 of them. Also, some of us, can't spend 20 hours a day playing this dumb game.. And honestly, if you play this game 20 hours a day, I think you need to take a break from KaW.. @ ballbuster, that's understandable.. But if T5's costed mithril, with the mithril payout on real wars, it'd take months or years to get BC. I think that T5's are going to make a lot of pp quit.. Maybe even me, I'm having serious thoughts.. And you devs really have messed up.. You are gonna kill these summer wars.. Everyones gonna be struggling to pay for these T5's.. No HLBC pp with huge investments in allies want to war wen they aren't as big as they can get. So good luck bringing back wars.. The forum thread Kingdoms At War!, I think you can go ahead and delete that.. This isn't Kingdoms at War. This is, "Kingdoms at Build Your Kingdom Big and Don't Even Hit Anyone Because if You Do You Will Become a Perm Farm of Some Clan.. KaBYKBaDEHABiYDYWBaPFoSC.. That's what this game should be called. Not KaW..
That would be ******* hilarious to see gorilla but I don't think it will fit on my iPod screen... or anyone else's for that matter
T5's should only be available through the Oracle at a cost of $7.99 USD for each building. To upgrade to level two should cost 15 xstals. An upgrade to level three should cost 30 xstals. Also, there should be a 60% chance the the upgrade could fail and revert to a level one stable.