Upcoming Epic Battles and Tier 5 Buildings

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by admin, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. 5.)
    A) achievement bonuses will still be coming. Don't worry. With all of the new changes right now - are they really a priority to players right now? I think not. However, they were promised. And they will come. Patience is a virtue.

    B) epic battles are not being used as a distraction. Lol. Epic battles are being released because pve is part of the game. It is more exciting to have many epic battles to do that give different bonuses and such than to keep doing haunting over and over. It is a facet of the game that is similar to other rpg games and helps to make kaw more competitive in the rpg market. By competitive, I do not mean- to make more money. I mean, it makes the game more desirable for potential users and current users who appreciate that type of rpg. Do not expect the release of epic battles to stop. And don't call it a distraction. It is not. It is a new feature.
    C) flawed tourney system? I've done each war (I did the test war too, which did have flaws that were fixed) and I haven't seen any flaws in it. I have thoroughly enjoyed the tourneys. First, you complain about pve. And now you complain about pvp. Make up your mind. The tourneys promote pvp which is a good thing in my humble opinion
  2. @wis- lets wait and see. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  3. Dam not good for kaw at least ally market should stabilise with people dropping allies to get new t5 builds
  4. @belle post on number five

    A month ago? I believe it could be longer or shorter. Anyway they said that achievement bonuses would come next week yet they still haven't been delivered, and some players have been waiting for about a year. Patience is a virtue same thing with fishing but if you cast a line in river and wait for a year your going to be to late and would of starved I death....
  5. Starved to death**
  6. Sounds expensive...
  7. T5 should only build on high lands only
    Most middle sizd players will feel cheated they build half T4s The money the time they put into already so much for them
  8. Back to lp
    Sorry I have to do this in sections since I am on device and quoting is too hard to read through and its just too long.

    6.) losing billions of hard earned gold or real money for gold through resets, enchanting, and mith purchases?
    First, I already discussed forced resets above. But I'll go further. Have ally prices been increasing phenomenally recently? Yes. Is it necessary to quell the inflation of the ally market? Yes. So, the gold going into mithril and inferno is helping to stabilize the ally market and economist.
    Also, these players are not losing billions. They are spending hold for valuable resources. Mithril is very beneficial for warring. And enchanting boosts stats way more than the current ally purchases do for similar amounts of gold.

    7.) yeah. They are introducing t5. Let me explain my personal opinion here. First, we already determined that inflation is occurring. Inflation in any economy is bad. So, inflation has been stopped with certain updates. Now, we have equipment that is rated at a very high level. The stat bonuses it gives lowers the value of bfa and base stats dramatically. In order to balance the equipment
  9. Lp- as for the rest, I will only address the points that seem relevant.

    First, a spy, hansel, and hybrid can steal another pure, Handel or hybrid with zero gold out. An attack build with zero gold can not be stolen. Please refer to my guide in strategy "fight mechanics" to help you better understand the way the mechanics of fights work.

    "which allows spies to kill troops but doesn't allow troops to kill spies" - I'm not sure what this means. Check my guide for questions on that. It will address it and I'm just not sure what you are saying. The only time a hansel can attack an attack build is if the attack build has gold out. An attack build can attack a hansel if the hansel has gold out (obviously troops need to be above 20%)

    Pure spies are always open for assassination. They are open for steals in many situations.

    I really like you LP. Mad respect- but please take a look at my guide. It explains everything you are concerned about in extreme detail. And mechs make perfect sense. You'll see once you study my fight mech guide. Promise :). And if you have any other questions about fight mech, I'll happily do my best to answer them or test them until it is figured out.

    Turning off eb join notices- hmm. They recently turned off the join/leave clan notices for non admins. Many people complained to me about that. Others were happy. I think this is more of an opinion that you would like to see and not one the whole community agrees with. I wouldn't mind to have them turned off for non-admin myself. I support this idea.

    Okay. I just got stuck babysitting somehow. I mean, like, my good friends mom came to visit with her kid and her new boyfriends kid and she went outside and has been gone for like three hours so I had to feed them. They tried to eat my special hidden snacks :(. Luckily, I had homemade chicken dumplings from the night before left over. I'll finish this in a sec.
  10. @ fishing analogy- yep. But nobody is going to die. Lol. Achievement bonuses are kind of like the level 2 castle used to be. But really, it's going to come. One day. And everyone will will rejoice
    @comment about t5 on highlands only- I support this idea.
  11. Okay. Back to lp. Lol. That is a long past lady. So much to address.

    Prices have not been released. However, I think that they will be fair.

    The ally market needs to deflate. Lol. As for it soaring again, I think it will balance out with the income:equip:eek:ther bonuses:higher base stats: higher bfa ratios.
    Tourney system: did you notice there is a new incentive for the tourney system? Yep- players will be retroactively receiving inferno and aqua and will continue throughout the regular season as well as the special stuff from the finals. People want aqua and inferno so I don't think the tourney system will slow. Not is it flawed. GRRr

    Getting to the top is more achievable than ever. No one who just started is even looking at lb, and people have to work their way up. So new players won't have an issue. Mid level game play hasnt ever been broken so it will continue to flourish. Don't see quitters there. The endgame/top level players have a better chance now than ever to catch up with the top. Ally slots have been capped. Everyone can get the same equip bonuses, same pro pa k bonuses, same base stats- and bfa will be much easier to equal now that there are only 550 slots for allies. Sure, red and ith and Chongo can continue to volley their 550 allies up, but their bfa can't get any better. This gives everyone a fair chance to catch up.
    Hope you take the time to read all of this and can see the good and not just the bad.
  12. @belle. It costs about 1,3t to buy 49 T4 buildings. It cost about 5-6t in range priced hlbc or near hlbc allies to crack the top1000 on ally lb.

    For this to have any effect on inflation(if that is one of their reasons) it means a price of maybe double the current bc cost. Which means alot of ebs for me or continuing as i do with pretty much nonstop war and thereby volunteering as a future punching bag. 
  13. @Belle ur second to last post. On page 13... I'm pretty sure but can be wrong, LP means that pure spies and hansels can assassinate my stack troops, but attack troops can't touch pure/hansels spy troops
  14. Attack* troops
  15. First, does the NASDAQ or NYSE decide every so often to arbitrarily remove companies from their customers. No they delist companies when they there value falls so as to make them bad investments. Allies are currently bought and traded for bfa (value) not activity. So they still have value to certain people. Also, there is transparency, the people buying the shares know how long those companies have been in decline. In kaw, the ally customers have no clue how long an ally has been in decline )inactive). What exactly does kaw consider as inactive? No one knows. No transparency exists.

    Second, let me get this straight. To curb inflation, let's reduce the number of allies available for purchase? Yeah that will work ATA. Supply and demand doesnt work that way. In time, inflation will only be worse because there is a reduced pool of allies available for purchase.

    Time will tell.....
  16. Cool I can't wait for it
  17. Thank you WIL.

    Belle, please stop with referencing the ally market to a real life stock market. The two have very few similarities.

    Biggest difference (the obvious one) - stock market gives you a chance to make a monetary return with real money. Kaw ally market does not. IF we were able to sell ally's and get a monetary refund, your argument would be valid.

    As it stands your rationale is about as lucid as the comparison of Kaw war to real war.
  18. Grtt when r u adding more lands
  19. Been playing non stop for two years. Still not hcbc. Why? Because I war! Now I'm going to get my assed kicked by everyone. There is no way I can save money because I can't leave money out. System is broken. All this is doing is making another stupid race to the top. Good bye wars. Everyone get your ******* thumbs ready to hit EBs again.