Re: PostQuestionsHere If you take into consideration the end bonus plus extra pots and no chance of getting farmed by entire clans eb's are just a lot easier to grow from.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Can you transfer an android account to an Idevice without having to email support?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Look at your BTA (bonus to ally) attack/defence and spy attack/ spy defence. And add them up to one number.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I had to buy a new phone and cAnt get my old game info to come up. Ive played for quite a while. What can I do? How do I get my old game going? Please help!!!!
Re: PostQuestionsHere Where is the alchemist on droid this is for a friend?Thx spartan he found it thx
Re: PostQuestionsHere What is better, 5 SOS or 4 SOS with the other builds COE and a castle(plz wall me the answer I might forget to come back here).
Re: PostQuestionsHere It completely depends on what you want as your build. Its not really about "better", but more about what suits your playing style the best.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Depends on what you're using it for. A little more spy power never hurt though
Re: PostQuestionsHere It wont decrease your chance for successful actions if your attack power is the same. It will increase your chance for successful spy actions though.