Double Drop rate and Bonus plunder event

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Tapin, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. kaw should have these kind of events in some holiday or weekend to encourge ppl to play 
  2. I know I know

    2 for 1 xtals
  3. How wld people know about if they weren't playing, therefore destroying the point of it
  4. why nope?
  5. Or maybe they should just give us all 1,000 nob on christmas!!

    /end sarcasm

  6. Maybe, I'd support holiday events, But so many people from different countries play, so could be a lot of holiday events, or people will complain saying the devs arrive neglecting their country
  7. First OP

    Tell me when you quit so I can hit ya

    Second,People already play without these things.Why would they start now?
  8. Kinda like double xp weekend on mw3? Lame idea, totally pointless
  9. lol creative
  10. At least he/she didn't make a role play thread or some stupid thread begging for hires.