Re: PostQuestionsHere Hansels are best for war? I thought they are mainly good for ebs?... Perhaps attack or hybrid builds work best for war?
Re: PostQuestionsHere No. Attack= best for EB Hybrid= Ehhhh not all that great for anything Hansel= Makes lots of money in EB, Best for war
Re: PostQuestionsHere No. Hybrid is best for EB. Hansels of played right are a killer war build. Pure spies are also good.
Re: PostQuestionsHere This is because: Your standard player has more attack than spy. (Maybe 3, 4 times more). So, if someone with large spy stats comes along, they can easily steal from the other player! Why can't the attack just farm the Hansel? : A hansel will always make sure they have 20% or less troops so that no one can attack them! Example: Player 1 has 1,000,000 attack and defense. He has 90,000 spy stats Player 2 has 150,000 attack and defense. She has 700,000 spy stats She can easily steal from player 1! -AlphaDuck
Re: PostQuestionsHere You can pin your troops and steal from attack builds pretty easily. May need pots tho. Plus you can attack with pots and win sometimes.
Re: PostQuestionsHere But still, look at me, im not an easy steal target. At full I get a lot of fails.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Alright. And one last thing. Would you rather prefer : Better stats = SOS or Better plunder = Guides?
Re: PostQuestionsHere For war, definitely SOS. Guilds are better for EB cause you make a shitload of gold. But for war you want more stats so you can steal from any player. Guilds stats suck really bad.
Re: PostQuestionsHere What is a pwar and what is it called if 2 clans start a war to easy earn mithril
Re: PostQuestionsHere A pwar is a plunder war where a clan would war another clan full of players called OSFs who had gold out and they would just hit and hit and get free gold. Theyre gone from KaW. An Mwar is for easy earned mithril.
Re: PostQuestionsHere if someone disbands a clan will they get 100 nobility back or 25bil back or nothing?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Ok dumbass, the only reason to have SOSes for EBs would be to hit harder ones. But an HLBC guild hansel , even a 1m combined GH can hit all EBs with ease. Guilds give way better plunder. SOSes are for war.