riddle of the day

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CheezeHead87, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. What would happen if Pinocchio said my nose is growing
  2. He would self destruct, that's what happens to robots who cant work something out
  3. He recently lied about something or he just lied.
  4. Did someone say pinocchio
  5. It would grow, as at the time he said it, it wasnt growing
  6. That depends on when exactly he meant his nose would grow. If he meant his nose would grow at some time in the relative future, he knew beforehand he was going to tell a lie. Therefore nothing would happen because he was telling the truth.
  7. A whale would swallow him.
  8. If his nose isn't growing when he says it then it shall grow bc he is lying but if his nose is growing while he says it he would be telling the truth so it should go back down :)
  9. Vegoman  clever
  10. What if Walmart became bankrupt then where would you go?
  11. I would go to target