Mamma-Merc is going down

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Spektrum, Jun 13, 2012.

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  1. "She's not a woman, she's a demon"
    If she is a demon, I truly hopes she possess a fighter jet and blasts you to kingdom come.
  2. Both of you are WEAK
  3. Hitting wemen is Okay
  4. You could spank her but don't hit that is unbecoming of a gentleman.
  5. How do you destroy something that has 25 wins and 1 scout? It's still a fetus. There's nothing to hit...
  6. Lmao... Why do you hate me?
  7. Because u should be slaughtering this girl there should not even be a forum post.
  8. Pick on someome your own size.
  9. Yeah cuz she definitely doesn't have way more mercs than me or rom.
  10. :roll: open your eyes
  11. If I opened my eyes, I would see you, and If I saw you, I would be scarred for life, and if I was scarred for life, I would visit a priest, and if I would visit a priest I would receive a snickers.. And much more, and then I would be double scarred for life, so then I would need revenge, so I would find you and plant flesh eating dandelions in your yard.

    Don't make me plant those dandelions.
  12. I already planted 'em 
  13. This hadn't died wow
  14. :roll: Stupid dandelions-kicks one-
  15. How is this thread still going???? floating cactus keeping this thread alive??
  16. Wow somebody should give them a medal a thread that has 30 pages going. What do you even talk about that kept it interesting for so long because I was bored on the first page.
  17. *bump* :ugeek:
  18. i felt like it
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