Joining Clans and Ruining Them

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Radiation (03), Jun 17, 2012.

  1. Hey KaWers, I know this might be "slightly" off-topic, but who cares?
    So this is the question; What do you think about joining a weak clan, asking for admin immediately, deleting clan info to "Suck it, you got Robbed", leaving, then joining your old clan?
  2. It's a dick move, but better than getting admin and kicking all members. It does teach noobs not to give admin to strangers though
  4. what the first person said
  5. MWAHAHAHA, scuze I'm preparing myself....
  6. Had a clan tht had really complicated art on page tht was wiped by an old loyal member
    Nobody can be trusted
  7. I always go for owner. Disband, then they cry about losing $10.
  8. I'm gonna do this with my alt now
  9. Senor, I prefer getting owner, forfeiting EB right at the end, then kick members, ask the owner if he wants his clan back, and then disband.
  10. ....but I like to vary my methods
  11. I always do a countdown in CC, and have some friends join to watch the crying.
  12. Another good one is to start an atl(or reset your current alt) wait 24hours, and ask for a volley...

    ...when the volley ends, reset the account, and the owner loses a few bil.
  13. Best way alt enters get volley then bring your main and get admin change clan info then kick members and then disband
  14. If they refuse to give you leader and only make you admin, then take their clan info hostage and say you'll only give it back if they make you leader.
  15. 

    "take their clan info hostage"
  16. But what if the owner, just takes away your Admin Privilege
  17. Take clan info hostage lol